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Breaking the Cycle of Violence

Through Forgiveness

Breaking the Cycle presents award-winning assemblies that feature personal stories of overcoming conflict through forgiveness. Our assemblies, whether in-person or live online, support your schools' social-emotional learning goals – and can come at no cost to your school, although donations are welcome. Our speakers present examples of core competencies such as  social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making from their own lives, which readily elicit discussion opportunities in the classroom.

Schedule an Assembly

“It's toughest to forgive ourselves. So it's probably best to start with other people. It's almost like peeling an onion. Layer by layer, forgiving others, you really do get to the point where you can forgive yourself.”

—Patty Duke


Social-emotional learning

A panel of dynamic speakers present solutions to:

  • Counteract school violence, bullying and racism
  • Recognize depression and suicide
  • Promote self-respect and respect for others

Schedule an Assembly


What is Breaking the Cycle?

Let our speakers help your students develop the foundational emotional skills needed to resolve conflict and build healthy relationships in today's challenging social environment.


How We Got Started

Colleen McVey of CFN Live interviews Heinrich Arnold, son of the founder of Breaking the Cycle, who speaks of his father's legacy.

Responses from

May 16, 2024

PS 28 Elizabeth NJ


International High School

On June 11, Breaking the Cycle was at the International High School in Paterson NJ for an assembly. Sergio Argueta and Chief Williams told their stories to 200 11th grade students.

When we turn hurt inside on ourselves, we hurt ourselves. Why do we do that to ourselves? Because hurt people hurt people. Bullies are hurting inside. —Chief Charles Williams


Joseph A. Taub Middle School

June 7th we were at Joseph A. Taub Middle School in Paterson NJ. Sergio Argueta and Hashim Garrett spoke to 600 6-7 grade students in the cafetorium.

Some difficult time do something nice for somebody else and I guarantee that it'll help you. Nothing has given me more peace and serenity than doing that in my life. —Hashim Garrett


New Milford High School

Tomorrow Breaking the Cycle will be at New Milford HS in New Jersey. Hashim Garrett and Chief Williams will speak to the 400 High School students about non-violent conflict resolution and finding mental health. This photo is from the last time we did an assembly there in 2022. The students flocked to get their books autographed by the speakers.



PS 26 Paterson NJ

Friday May 31, Breaking the Cycle was at PS 26 in Paterson NJ. 100 6-8 grade students heard Sergio Argueta and Hashim Garrett tell their stories.

There are teachers here who know that if they don't hold onto you they will lose you and you might not make it. But some of you are going to break the cycle. We love you we care about you. We are here to plant seeds. —Sergio Argueta


MLK Educational Complex

On May 30 we were at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Educational Complex in Paterson, NJ speaking to 175 6-8 grade students. Hashim Garrett (pictured left) and Sergio Argueta discussed strategies for defusing bullying, and resolving conflicts both internal and external.

"Evil will only prevail if we do nothing. These are matters of the heart. Have courage to stand up and do the right thing." —Hashim Garrett